Wednesday 2 August 2006

More Celestia stuff

Cleaned the fish tank last night. Happy clean little fish so did some more stuff with Celestia. (Note for Novelist Supermum, will tackle your website tomorrow, after a little DIY).

The Celestia add-ons don't always come with the greatest of instructions as to where to copy the files.

I'd started by putting them into the existing directories based on directories of the same name being suppiled in the downloads. This works, but means that you cannot rapidly see what you've added, and what came with the original install.

I've changed this to just using the extras directory, however you have to use a bit of interpretation.
For instance for Death Star 1 and 2 the .ssc files go into the top level extras directory (a subdirectory that is also called extras doesn't seem to work) and then the models and textures/medres directories can be copied as they are into the extras directory. However for the imperial shuttle I just had to copy the whole supplied SW-tyderiumshuttle directory into extras.

So now I've got two Death Stars. I realised that last night I'd missed out copying the DSBODY file, so my Death Star was a bit on the smooth side.

To see Death Star 2 I had to edit the .ssc file so that it is in orbit around the planet called b in the RHO Crb solar system, otherwise I think that they're occupying the same space/orbit (I wonder if this is why the 'b' planet was created in the first place).

The Imperial shuttle worked first time. I've found that the one of the best ways to view a spacecraft, or even a planet is to select it, go to it, back off a bit, or get closer as necessary with END and HOME, speed up time so things are moving quickly and the Track the object.

When you're looking at a spacecraft that's in planetary orbit you get a great sensation of space sickness as you spin around the planet, and other features whizz past around you.


Kim Knox said...

...the shuttle worked first time...

In what universe? ;-)

darkdwarf said...

Our universe in the RHO Crb galaxy - this is Celestia's "galaxy far, far away", although it seems to be in the present day, rather than "a long time ago".

I'm claiming a project success because I got it working on the same day as I downloaded it.