Wednesday 23 August 2006

Dalek Mission Preparation

Leaving for work this morning an intergalactic battle was taking place in the front room. Frodo had constructed a "lazer beam" from lego and was "shooting Replicators". Samwise was doing likewise, except that he was "shooting Alligators".

Samwise then made a twin engined spaceship from 4 pieces of lego and flew it around the room whilst Frodo took potshots at it with his beam weapon.

Frodo's 5th Birthday is tomorrow. We wrapped his presents - a Tardis/moneybox, a Cyberman, some books and several musical/percussion instruments.

We didn't wrap the 2 foot tall, radio controlled Dalek, but took it out of it's box instead. Took us about an hour to get through all of the security ties and safety packaging. Why are there so many blooming plastic wire ties on kids toys these days? Surely if anybody's going to nick the thing then they'll just take the whole box?

We set the Dalek up and took it for a test drive, voice, voice lights, eye stalk light, weapons, battle body and radio control all working OK.
The plan is to get up early tomorrow morning and steer the Dalek into Frodo's bedroom for an "Exterminate!" Birthday surprise. (Hope that we don't traumatise him for life).

Have to pick up a large Birthday Cake today for the Birthday Party tomorrow.


impwork said...

So how did Frodo take his wake up call?

darkdwarf said...

See my next blog entry...