Saturday 17 June 2006

Up with the Ducks

Some b****d t**t smashed my car wing mirror last night. Heard a couple of thumps and looked out onto the street to see a yoof leaning against my vehicle. He appeared to be waiting for a couple of pals to catch up with him. Since I wasn't sure if that was all he was doing I went to fetch my car keys, thinking that if I went out to the car, and made as if to drive off he would move on.

Once I'd got my keys the three of them had gone up the street, discovered that the glass on my passenger side wing mirror had been cracked - b******s!

Surveying the damage this morning I appear to have got off lightly. A neighbours van has had most of the mirror ripped out of it's fixings. Happens every now and again on our street, - I've lost a small screw on ariel and a car badge in the past. Just mindless/drunk vandalism. Trip to Halfords for a new bit of mirror glass this afternoon.

Up bright and early this morning for a 7am to 12 noon Saturday work stint, to help bring the current project in on time. 3 ducks (or to be correct I should say drakes) we're waddling across the car park, fresh from an early morning dip in the Mersey.


Anonymous said...

7am? 7am? Saturday? work? I didn't know there was a 7am at the weekend, and even if there was surely it would be illegal to ask someone to work?
You need to join a union, I'm sure they wouldn't allow that sort of thing!

7am, I don't know what the world is coming to...

darkdwarf said...

Here at the Assassination Bureau, they can ask you to work any time.

Fortunately I'm on overtime, or "Ovies" in the local lingo, otherwise I wouldn't be doing it.

The craziest shift that I've done in the past started at 18:00 and finished at 04:00. Mainly because we'd lost the instructions to backup the system, which was due to go live the day after. Managed to wake up a helpful chap with a phone call at 03:00, who saved the day.