Sunday 25 June 2006

Party Time for Frodo

Managed to survive the sanitisation. My telephone, keyboard and screens are no longer the bio-hazard that they were.

Had a chat with one of the little-old-ladies. She had the same accent as Thora Hird. The whole bunch of them reminded me of Victoria Wood's "Dinner Ladies", they were all cleaning and gossiping away at the same time. I could hear several machine's death throes as they scrubbed away at the keyboards.

Two of them got into a whispering hudlle. The lady that I was talking to said that "You know that they're talking about somebody when their voices go low". She saw Frodo's picture and remarked about how good looking he is, and how we should put him to work as a child model. Then said "He must take after his Mum!".
She also told me that friends of hers had a child at the age of 44. Their 15 and 16 year old children wouldn't talk to them because they'd "Been having sex". "Those children have got a shock coming when their parents are 72", she added.

Yesterday afternoon Novelist Supermum finished painting the spare room at Grandma Gandalf's. I took Frodo off shopping at Asda (he has to buy the ingredients for a fruit salad for school, then we have to take photo's of him making the "juice salad", as he first described it to me).

Then I did a shuttle run, dismantled some a set of long freestanding Ikea shelves and turned them into two sets of shelves, wrestled them out of the house, pressed the button on the car that turned it into a van (I wish, in reality there's 6 tags to pull, 6 buttons to press, 3 seats to fold up and remove and one bar to remove), wrestled the shelves into the back of the "van", round to Grandma's only to discover we couldn't get them up the stairs. Break to watch Dr Who. Dismantled them again, up the stairs, reassembled them. Both Hobbits acting up by this point, as it was 21:30. Drove home, commiserated with neighbour over the road, who has had his front window stoved in by passing yobbos, Hobbits to bed. Flopped about knackered, read paper bed ZZZZZZZZZ.

7am Sunday and back at work for the morning. No big ships out on the Mersey this morning. It looks like the river is at low tide. I can see the ferry landing stage that we watched sink earlier this year, stuck in the silt.

Have to take Frodo to a kid's party in a Church Hall this afternoon. He's been getting excited about it all week. Should finish by about 15:30, since the Engerland match is at 16:00.

9am - work interrupted by a fire alarm. Rushed out of the fire exit and down the stairs. Two fire tenders turned up. Half an hour of standing about chatting before we were allowed back in. As suspected the workmen tiling the reception floor this weekend have raised so much dust that they've set the alarm off. None of them are wearing dust masks - one of them has an extensive beard which he must be using as a filter.

11 am - Tide has come in now, and a bunch of little sailing boats with red sails are beetling about on the Mersey.

Off to take Frodo to the party soon. Called home earlier: Frodo was singing "Amarillo". Samwise was joining in with the "Boom Boom's!" in between Frodo's "Sha la la, la la la, la la's".


Kim Knox said...

Excuxe me, my mother's Gandalf, *your* mother's Saruman.

Even you agreed that, LOL

darkdwarf said...

Oops! slip of the fingers/brain. Grandma's alias corrected.