Monday 19 June 2006

Job Interview

In the pursuit of earning more pennies, I've been thinking of changing jobs. I had an interview a month or so ago, and was offered a new position, but although the money was good, the travel wasn't, and the opportunities seemed a little limited.

Therefore I decided to stay at the Assassination Bureau.

An internal position (Data Base Administrator) that I applied for last month has resulted in an interview on Thursday, so much swotting to do between now and then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

make sure you concentrate on the essentials (who will be interviewing you, what's their favourite drink, what extra curricular activities they may have that their partners might not be aware of etc). A mixture of bribery and blackmail can be good, you just need to get the balance right. a bottle of scotch here, a threatening letter there, and the job is yours! Good Luck for Thursday