Monday 22 January 2007

Sometimes computers just really piss me off

Instead of a quiet night website building I've had to spend a good few hours recovering and reconfiguring Novelist Supermum's email, after her aging laptop crashed when the wire was pulled out (the battery is knackered so it didn't like the sudden power loss).

Somehow Thunderbird had lost the email account settings. It was simply a matter of reconfiguring the account settings, but most of the time was spent checking and double checking that the profile was still intact on the disk, and backing up the profile before I started. Once the account settings were back ta-dah! all of the emails were where they should be.


Anonymous said...

Hang on. I thought NSM had a whizzy new envy making miniature laptop device. Why isn't she using that?

darkdwarf said...

You're the second person to ask this question :)
Although the Dana Alphasmart is billed as a "laptop alternative" in reality it's a super-sized Palm PDA, so you still need to connect to PC or laptop for backup, synchronisation of files, web-surfing on a big screen etc.