Sunday 14 January 2007

Ikea Roller Blinds - Aaaaargh!!!

Make exact measurements as per instructions. Drill holes in correct place. Plug holes with screw fixings. Fix plastic blind fittings with screw. Click blind into place. Test by gently pulling on pull cord. Whole thing comes crashing down! Unscrew one of the plastic blind fittings. Drill new holes 5mm from the old ones. Repeat fitting process. Whole thing comes crashing down, crumpling the bottom of the blind and making a tear in the right hand edge. Rant and rave at blind, tools, crappy instructions and any sympathetic member of the family who happens to cross my path. Drill a further set of new holes. Repeat process. This time the blind works, but the fixings look as if they are straining. Run the blind up and down for about 15 minutes like some sort of manic semaphore until I'm convinced that it isn't going to free itself from the over-strained fixings. Fit the pull cord bottom guide (2 more holes into solid brickwork). Novelist Supermum then hides the tear buy the strategic application of planet, alien and robot stickers (the blind is in Frodo's room).

Decided to leave the more difficult, larger blind to be fixed in Samwise's room for another occasion. Probably need to book an Anger Management course first.


impwork said...

Had the same experience putting up the B&Q blind in my bathroom. The victorian brickwork kept crumbling away. I ended up drilling large holes, putting in lots of filler, wiggling then pushing the screw into the filler and holding it in the right spot till the filler set. Still the blinds have been up for a good few years so it worked.

Anonymous said...

I've had exactly the same experience. Although in my case i think that because the house was so old the brickwork had seen better days.