Saturday 23 June 2007

A Bit of Blather whilst waiting for a Backup

In work again for a Saturday night release.
Thought I would blog whilst I'm waiting for some backups to finish.

I'll be in again tomorrow for for a 9 hour stint stopping and starting processes whilst some hardware maintenance is carried out.

Nice little earner, but it means that Novelist Supermum has to mind the hobbits on her own for most of Sunday.

We've got a family wedding to go to in a couple of weeks time - up in Northumberland.
This morning we went shopping, to get some smart new clothes for the boys.

Frodo got a shirt and waistcoat. We couldn't resist buying a Samwise sized pinstripe suit. We're now going to have to get a Sonic Screwdriver to go with it.

Speaking of Frodo - we've booked his Birthday Party for August - he'll be Six on the anniversary of the last eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

This year we've booked a sports hall for a "Fun and Games" party. We'll be inviting about 40 kids from his year at school. Luckily we don't have to organise the party games, since the booking comes with two or three Party staff (the number depends on how many accept the invitation) - who lead the activities.
All we have to do is provide the food and drinks, and dish out the lucky bags and slices of Birthday Cake.

Speaking of Birthday Cake - the diet isn't going too badly. Had a mega-vegetable overload tea last night, with a bit of stewing steak. In fact I probably overdid it with the vegetables (and may have undercooked some of them).

I've probably lost about half a stone - it's a bit difficult to tell since either or bathroom scales don't work very well - or there's variable strength gravitational forces under our bathroom floor.

If anything I'm feeling a little healthier for the detoxification aspect - even though I didn't give up tea and coffee. Hopefully I've also trained myself to be a little less greedy i.e. usually I'd celebrate the end of the week with a Mars Bar or two - but not this time.

1 comment:

impwork said...

Maybe once you get Samwise his sonic screw driver he can track down the source your fluctuating gravitational constant.