Tuesday 22 May 2007

Yellow Ribbons

We've had a few ITN van's and reporters outside our local library recently, which over the past week or so has had hundreds of yellow ribbons and balloons tied to the railings and trees.

It's becoming a local focal point for the Find Madeleine campaign. Her grandparents and friends of the family live in the area.

I've seen some pictures of the missing girl on the climbing frame in the "Linda McCartney" playground at our local park.

Last night the yellow ribbons had spread to the railings on the main road, and to the lamposts and trees all around. The two lamp posts at the entrance to our street have yellow ribbons on them.

There's some green ribbons and balloons too - I'm not quite sure what the significance of these means. Good old wikipedia tells me that in Canada it's a symbol for missing children so presumably this is true of some other countries too. Hopefully it's got nothing to do with some of the other possibilities that wikipedia provides.

A crowd of about 200 people had gathered when I arrived home at 19:00. I went to see what was going on at about 19:30 - apparently it was a vigil, which meant prayers and people playing acoustic guitars.
I stopped for a few minutes to take a look, then left them to it. One of the community policemen didn't half give me a funny look - perhaps they're keeping an eye out for pervs - hopefully I don't look like one.

Met a neighbour on the way back who'd gone to take a look just like me - although he seemed a bit nervous about going over. I don't think that anybody minded.

Luckily it didn't go on all night (that would have been a difficult complaint to make). I suppose that this gives people who are feeling helpless something to do an some sort of focus.

I've heard a lot of people making judgements about the parents being too tight to get a child minder, and leaving the kids alone whilst they went out. With hindsight it looks like a stupid thing to do - but I've done similar things when staying at a hotel myself, albeit at a family wedding.

I took both boys to see the ribbons this morning on their way to school / nursery this morning. I explained to them what they were about and made sure that Frodo at least could tell me his name, address and phone number in case he ever gets lost. I'll have to get Samwise to practice the same.

I really do hope that they find her, and find her alive before the public interest and sympathy wears off.

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