Sunday 31 December 2006

Pre New Year Night Out

No baby-sitter tomorrow night, so we had a night out tonight instead at "Vinci's" on Allerton road.

Trendy bar - recently done up to expand into what was the corner shop next door, so it's now got a huge door and some great big windows designed to open fully in the summer. The result is that it's bloody freezing in the winter.

Spent a pleasant few hours chatting, and observing
1.) A drunk man who couldn't get a lift home.
2.) A couple of women who were dropped off by a bloke in a 4x4. They waltzed in and headed for the bar. They didn't buy any drinks as 60 seconds later when the coast was clear (i.e. the 4x4 had gone) they waltzed out again, and straight into a taxi. Dunno what they were up to, but had some fun speculating.
3.) Several people who on a night out with friend spend most of their time talking to other people on their mobile phones.


impwork said...

If Kim uses any of the people watching as plots can you guys claim the night out back against tax?

darkdwarf said...

Now there's an idea! 1 bottle of Corona, 2 bottles of Magners and 3 Staropramen's please Mr Taxman.