Monday 25 December 2006

Merry Christmas

A very Merry Christmas to all of my readers!

Both Frodo and Samwise had been given pyjamas and nightlights on Christmas Eve, but this didn't help them get to sleep.

We put out a carrot for Rudolph, plus a mince pie and a large glass of Bourbon Whiskey for Santa.

Frodo got out of bed at 22:00, so I got him to scatter a bag of "Reindeer Food" on the front path to guide Santa's Reindeer to our house.

We were woken this morning at 03:30 by an excited Frodo.

We managed to get him back to bed another 2 or 3 times, but eventually we had to give in when Samwise awake at 05:00. They got to open the torches that they'd asked Father Christmas for, and spent an hour playing with them, waving the lights about the ceiling, before we got up.

06:00 and downstairs to discover that Santa had left a wooden castle, with a number of knights on the coffee table. A frenzy of present unwrapping followed.

Goose and Ham went in the oven at 10:00. Grandma and Grandad Saruman arrived at 11:00, and I went off to fetch Grandma Gandalf. Little Blister had stayed with us last night (she was awoken by powerful torches being shone in her face).

Kitchen hectic activity for a few hours, resulting in a pleasant family meal, further present unwrapping, Christmas pud and after taking Grandma Gandalf home, booze and Dr Who. Snoring on the couch for half an hour, then a spot of any old program that happens to be on telly with wine, snacks and chocolate.

Finally a bit of blogging before bed.

Visits to relatives for the next 2 days, then it's all over, bar the consumption of the cold meats and remainder of the veg.

1 comment:

impwork said...

(Belated) Happy Christmas :-)