Sunday 31 December 2006

Odin doesn't look well.

Odin is looking a little unwell. He's lurking around the bottom of the tank under the Mangrove Swamp Root feature. His tail is riddled with veiny blood streaks. His face looks off-colour and the base of his fins look red. He doesn't appear to be feeding very well - he's not darting after the food but half heartedly looking around for it. Not a good sign at all. Half expected him to have croaked when we returned home tonight but he's still OK and having the occasional swim about.

Fenrir has a sizeable, red, infected sore on his side, and I think that this isn't healing quickly and may be infecting the other fish.

Hopefully Odin will last the night. I'll do a partial water change and buy some serious fish medicine for bacterial infection control in the morning.

This medicine is labelled "carcinogenic" and contains formaldehyde so I've been somewhat reluctant to take this step as although it may cure the fish, it seems likely to polish me off too (rather them than me).

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