Monday 19 November 2007

Cardboard Guitar

Frodo had a school project to make a musical instrument. We took an old tissue box, some elastic bands, a piece of card, paint and stickers to create this ornate little axe.
Samwise joined in and made a couple of shakers.


Kim Knox said...

And here's an idea for your next post... TAG!

7 weird/random things about yourself, please

Head back to my blog for the rules, *grin*


cha0tic said...

Did you thrash out some wicked licks on the guitar?

Oh hang on no you couldn't. There's too many strings for the guitar you're used to playing :)

darkdwarf said...

"Smoke on the Water" on one string almost worked - in a flat 'laccy band buzzing against the cardboard sort of way :)