Saturday 31 May 2008

3 Haircuts

I'm in for a long night at work tonight watching and praying that a couple of database building processes run to completion...

I took Frodo and Samwise for a back-to-school half termly haircut this morning - and had mine chopped at the same time too. They really know the routine at the barbers, so aren't at all fazed by it, like other kids are that I've seen. I've always thought that it's a good exercise in social interaction, so I've been taking them since they were young. They also get a much better haircut than any that I could do, armed with a pudding basin and a pair of shears ;)

My brother popped in for a cup of tea, on his way back to Blackburn. His wife had entered some sort of cookery competition that was being judged at St Georges Hall this morning. Unfortunately the judging lasted longer than they anticipated, so I only got to see them for 5 minutes before I had to dash off to work.

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