Friday 30 May 2008

Indiana Jones and the Lost Broadband Connection II

I've sent off a four page letter of complaint to Orange after being back online for 10 days, followed by another outage of 5 days before coming back online again, but at a much reduced download speed.

I've got a 12.5 hour or so release to do at work on Saturday afternoon/evening/Sunday morning. I reckon that I might find the time to do a "catch up" blog post on Sunday night - assuming that our internet connection stays for that long...

Meanwhile we went to see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull at the local fleapit yesterday afternoon.
From what I'd heard from the critics I wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as I did. Not as good as Raiders, or Last Crusade, but probably better than Temple of Doom.

I know that there's no way the hero should survive most of the things that happen to him in a flick like this, but there was one scene in particular that I thought - absolutely no way!

Harrison Ford plays an ageing, but has-still-got-what-it-takes Indy, although he's got to be the most destructive archaeologist since Auguste Mariette used dynamite to help locate the Apis Bulls.


cha0tic said...

Let me guess. The Fridge ;)

I saw it the other day and enjoyed it. The only bit I really hated was the lad swinging through the trees.

Re: Broadband I'm looking to dump Virgin. Orange was one of my options. I don't think it is now.

darkdwarf said...

Your guess is spot on! We did like the "don't try this at home kids" type comment that one of the minor characters made after this scene, particularly after we'd both just tut tutted in a disapproving parental sort of way.