Sunday 9 December 2007

Dad Dancing

It was the office Christmas party on Friday.

This year it was held in the Crowne Plaza hotel. Meal was good, lots of free booze, disco and a Blues Brothers act - who inevitably went through every song in the film.

There were some other corporate do's, other than our own being held there, so there were more women than men in the place, for a change.

Got down onto the dance floor for some serious "Dad Dancing", for most of the night. Attracted the attention of a bottle-tanned young lady for a while - she just looked like a pair of white eyes in the darkness to start with. She gave up eventually, to look for someone who was more available.

Phoned home a couple of times to point out that the full version of "Here Come the Girls" was being played, and that I was very, very drunk.

The bosses were having a "flash the cash" competition, so we finished off with a couple of glasses of champagne in the bar.

Walked a couple of miles before I could find a taxi with a light on that would stop. Perhaps trying to flag one down by waving a brolly wasn't such a good idea!

Got back about 3am. Did the traditional decoration of the Christmas tree on Saturday with a raging hangover (i.e. doing this with a hangover appears to be the tradition).

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