Friday 25 December 2009

Merry Christmas Everybody!

The boys didn't get up too early, probably because they couldn't get to sleep the night before.

The Lego Star Wars Wii game was an instant hit. As are the Vtech Pro digital cameras. Frodo took 280 photos today - a lot of them are of the floor, walls and ceiling, but there's an occasional person, or object of interest among them.

They went to bed tonight, listening to a talking book story on their new CD player.

Managed to coordinate the cooking of the meal reasonably OK - it's always a bit of a problem getting the timing right, but the goose was well cooked, the gravy was delicious and the vegetables were all OK. Roast parsnips in goose fat were delicious. Roast spuds weren't too bad either, although I didn't do enough of them - might do another roast at New Year.

We're now loafing about, wearing our new clothes, drinking a couple of large G&T's and polishing off a layer of Milk Tray chocs.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

impwork said...

Lego Star Wars - excellent choice fun and it should keep them busy for days too