Wednesday 25 July 2007


I've been using the Dvorak Keyboard for typing both at work and at home for over 12 years, therefore I'm interested in alternative methods of typing, or entering text.

The latest one that I've come across is called Dasher.

This is the weirdest alternative that I've come across for a long time. I've downloaded the free software and have given it a try or two.

It does appear to work, but looks like it'll take a little bit of practice. I don't think that this will ever be as fast as typing, but does provide an acceptable speed rate for the sci-fi like method of entering information using no hands e.g. eye movements, or breath control.

Could come in handy when we've all evolved into giant couch potatoes, with a couple of huge eyes, and a single button pressing digit :-)


cha0tic said...

Hmmm. Not sure about that. I tried the browser version. How do you input numbers? What about secure passwords? (A mix of letters, numbers, symbols & shifted characters.) Would the 'dictionary' learn & store your passwords?

Even worse. What if you're trying to write captions fur teh lol kitteh pics?

darkdwarf said...

I think that there's options, or config files to allow input of numbers and upper and lower case.

I didn't try these out, since I gave up on it once I realised that it'll never be as fast as typing.