Friday 1 September 2006

To the dump

Cleared out the big shed formerly known as the garage - I say this because it used to be a garage, but as the access gates to the back yard were bricked up some time ago you cannot get a car to it, let alone attempt to put one in it.

Pressed the button that converts the car into a Bin Wagon.

It only took 2 runs to the Otterspool Waste Recycling Centre (aka the local dump / tip) to get rid of all the scrap wood, metal, old dustsheets, rolls of carpet remnants, broken tools, rusty ornamental sword, broken traffic cone, burnt out kettle, old pan set, swing bin that's no longer swinging, alumininum loft ladders from Grandma Saruman's old house, wall ties, broken bricks, cement, rubble, roof tiles, broken wooden step ladders etc that had gathered there since we moved in 4 years ago. OK some of this was left by the previous occupants of the property e.g. the rusty ornamental sword, but the majority of it was ours.

Tonto: "Kimu Sabi, where are you riding to with that bin strapped to your back?"

Lone Ranger: "To the dump, to the dump, to the dump, dump dump!"

Of course I had to throw in the traditional mattress, that will always appear in any skip if left to it's own devices (OK so this one was an old secondhand cot mattress, given to us by a relative).

The dumpcombers / scavengers who work at this particular place have large extendable gaff hooks, which they use for fishing choice items from out of the skips. I noticed that one of them retrieved the loft ladders with such a device.

1 comment:

impwork said...

I feel tired just reading that list of detritus let alone shifting it.