Tuesday 24 June 2008

Crazy Nights

An old friend, who I haven't seen for a few years (but have known for about 26!) surprised me with an email today, just as I was about to leave work to fetch Frodo from school.

He's down from Glasgow to attend a conference tomorrow, so I managed to get a "pass out" from home to go out for a few beers with him at short notice tonight.

I'm really glad that I did, as it was truly great to see him again. Lots of catching up and reminiscing. Beer, burgers and chips at Blue in the Albert Dock.

(He went to see KISS in Mannheim last week - hence the title of this post).


cha0tic said...

Was it 'Piss pot' that visited and brought on this subsequent flurry of E-mails?

darkdwarf said...

No. I've only known 'Piss pot' for about 22 years, and he doesn't live in Glasgow. Sheer coincidence.