Tuesday 4 March 2008

Frodo - yet another Joint Assessment

We had what's now becoming the annual joint assessment for Frodo yesterday afternoon at Frodo's school.

Present this time were 2 teachers from Frodo's school (Special Needs Coordinator and Class Teacher), Outreach support assistant, and headteacher (who now aren't officially involved, but came along to 'assist'), Consultant Paediatrican, Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, Parent Partnership volunteer and us.

All of these professionals, who were notified months in advance of the meeting, and what was the result? "We haven't quite got our act together". (The Ed Psych and Speech and Language hadn't met Frodo before) - "We'll do another joint assessment in April."

Aaargh! Novelist Supermum has a rant about this too.

We've decided that in the absence of any concrete diagnosis of his condition we're trying to achieve daily, full time One to One support for Frodo in the setting of his mainstream school (this has been recommended by several of the above "professionals").

We've been refused to have him assessed for a statement of special needs. We're now about to go ahead with appealing this decision.

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