Saturday 24 February 2007

Hot Fuzz

If you like The Omen, Straw Dogs, The Shining, Mad Max, 28 Days Later, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill, Dusk 'Till Dawn, Bad Boys (II), Point Break, Commando, The Matrix, Superman (2), The Terminator and a host of other action films, if you thought Shaun of the Dead was OK, but you absolutely loved Spaced then Hot Fuzz is a film that you should not miss.

Even if you don't particularly enjoy the above, but you like a good laugh, with a lot of action, and some Hammer style horror thrown in, then you should see this film.

We went to see it on Friday. We laughed, we jumped, we laughed, we shrieked, we laughed, we were grossed out, we laughed, we shouted out the heroes response to the bad guy before he said it, we laughed, we named the reference to another film, we laughed, we kept on laughing, did I mention that we laughed?

Haven't enjoyed a film so much since the latest James Bond. I don't think that I've ever laughed at a film from start to finish as much as this one.

Went to see it with, amongst others, Novelist Supermum and impworks who both blog about the film here and here

Definitely one that I'll be getting when it comes out on DVD.

1 comment:

impwork said...

I was trying to figure out what the impossibly long car jump gag was a reference too towards the end afterwards. Gone in 60 Seconds. I can wait for the DVD to try and figure out all the references now.