Thursday 30 November 2006

Thwock! Thwock! Budda! Budda! Budda! Kaboom!

The new Bond film "Casino Royale" is ace!

Daniel Craig portrays a ROCK HARD Bond as the sort of Brutal, Vicious Nasty Thug that a paid assassin should be.

Action scenes are superbly done. There was probably some cgi in there, but very difficult to spot.
None of that martial arts crap either. Lots from the school of dirty tricks instead.

A lot of the "old genre" cliches were completely knocked on the head, or if alluded to the Mick was taken in a "this guys not like that any more" sort of way.

Dave Arnold did the music and as always did a job worthy of John Barry. Mainly incidental rather than a big musical score, but fitted the action well.

On the downside Novelist Supermum thought that the opening credits were cheesy. I thought they were OK - no women, but they could have tried something different from silhouettes.

There was also a long drawn out romantic bit, that could have been a lot shorter. At this point you were basically waiting for a character who'm you'd sussed was soon to be "Deadmeat" to come to whatever sticky end might be waiting.

Loved the end. Simple but very, very effective.

Found myself whistling the theme tune this morning, zooming into work, and booting the door of the office in :-)

1 comment:

Kim Knox said...

As long as you don't do the walking out of the Mersey in swimming trunks routine.

People might be eating...