Saturday 3 December 2011

A Night at the Museum...

Feeling a little the worse for wear today after a few Friday night drinks with workmates, and falling asleep on the bus on the way home - a kind chap woke me up before I went all the way to the airport, and had to walk 3 stops back home.

Took the boys to swimming, trampoline club and the school Christmas Fair and then finished off a busy day with "Dino-Night" in the Liverpool World Museum.  Four hours of after dark activities and exploring the museum at night!

The lighting had been dimmed to give an eerie atmosphere as we wandered round.  A drama was being acted out around the museum - some burglars had stolen a dinosaur egg, and a bunch of time-travellers were hunting them to try and get it back!

We had a meal in the cafe, and took a look at the time and space exhibition.

The fish and other creatures in the sea life exhibition were great to see at night - as they seemed to be much more active than during the day.  The same was true of the bug world exhibition.

We got to see the Age of the Dinosaur exhibition with it's animatronic dinosaurs (without the usual crowding - as tickets for the event had been limited).  The boys got to do some fossil rubbings, make plaster casts of fossils and try a fossil 'dig' - hunting through heaps of flint for some real fossils of sharks teeth and benemites.

The highlight of the night was a 14ft long juvenile T-Rex that came out at regular intervals to interact with the children (one brave girl got to put her head in it's mouth). It charged into the shop at one point, and was also spotted on the dino-disco dance floor.  Samwise and Frodo got to pat it's leathery skin, and had to duck when it whirled round and swiped it's tail at them, which just caught Frodo.

A visit to the museum shop, then we had to ask the security guards to unlock the Museum door and let us out.

A great family experience - the boys friends at school won't believe them on Monday!

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