Wednesday 18 August 2010

How Many Folk Singers Does It Take To Change a Light Bulb?

Two. One to change the light bulb, and one to stick a finger in one ear and sing about how good the old one was...

One of the things that I really don't like about Facebook is the constant changes to the interfacing features. They've just removed RSS feeds from the settings section, so posts to my Blogger blog don't automatically post to Facebook as well.

Admittedly the automation hasn't been working too well recently, but if the post didn't turn up in Facebook I found that I could always force an update into Facebook via the Settings Link.

From today Facebook now displays this message where the RSS update section used to be:
"Imported Stories:
The Imported Stories feature is no longer available. Most of the sites supported by this feature now allow you to publish stories to Facebook directly from the site".

This in turn has forced me to revamp my blog page to use a new template layout design, since the old template that I was using won't display the 'share to various social network' buttons at the bottom of each blog post.

Time to stop grumbling and try pressing the new buttons.

1 comment:

Mark Caldwell said...

Nice love the almost black on black motif :-)

Glad I stopped feeding my posts directly to facebook a few weeks back by chance and decided to post links the old fashioned way.