Sunday 15 November 2009

Tonight's Cult TV

Family viewing tonight was Dr Who: The Waters of Mars. Two small boys were watching it by peering from behind cushions, which they were holding onto for extra safety.
This episode was right on form for us - and a family Cheer! was raised when we saw who's going to be in the next one.

Later After the kids had gone to bed, the latest episode of Fringe showed Dr Walter Bishop and his lab assistant wearing tinfoil hats to protect themselves from mind control. This is a running joke at work, whenever over zealous Security measures are being discussed - great to see the equipment in operation!


impwork said...

I can see it having small boys on the edge of their seats and behind the sofa too so cushions sounds like a good compromise.

The Liverpool Engineering comment left me a little confused too.

cha0tic said...

Study on the effectiveness of the tin foil hat to stop mind control rays.

A rebuttal of the above study:

Article on creating a tinfoil hat, or Alumnium Foil Deflector Beanie (AFDB)

darkdwarf said...

Excellent! I'm wearing my AFDB now. I particularly liked the photo of Liz Hurley demonstrating "proper usage and accesorization" on the Usage and Maintenance page :)