Sunday 28 September 2008

No Stabilisers

Had one of those classic Father-Son moments in the park today.

Frodo's been riding his bike on one stabiliser for a while now. The result is that he's riding it leaning out to one side to provide counter-balance.

Went up to the park with him and took the stabiliser off.

Ran with him a few times, holding onto the handlebar and shouting "pedal, pedal, pedal" before letting go. Keeled over a couple of times at first, then he started to get it.

At first about 6 turns of the pedals before he either wobbled out of control, came off or put his foot down.

After an hour or so he'd increased this to about 20. Showed off his new found skill to Mum up and down the path outside the house a few times, before he came in.

I'm dead proud of him - quite an achievement given that he has difficulties with balance and coordination. He's going to tell his physio teacher tomorrow.

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