Friday 31 August 2007

Reading on the Bus / Car Breakdown 4

Travelling to work by Bus for the past week or so has given me the opportunity to catch up with some reading.

I bought a couple of books in February to read on holiday in Rome.

One was The Day Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko, a sequel to The Night Watch.

This is the second book in a different take on the struggle of supernatural good vs evil. The author is Russian so it is set in Moscow. As with the first book, it was an excellent read. I'm pleased to discover that there's another two books in the "Tetralogy" - I must get hold of them. I'm not sure if they're out in this country yet (they are Russian translations).

I finished this one whilst on holiday, then moved onto The Malice Box by Martin Langfield.

This one looked promising at first, but a few chapters into it I discovered that it's about treasure hunt around New York, relating to a spiritual quest based on the Kabbalah. Interesting insights into the Architecture of New York on the way around "The Path". Unfortunately I found the spiritual mysticism somewhat tedious early on in the book, and this has continued up to the last chapter. Just about finished it now, thanks to the bus journey to work, but it's taken me a good few months to get through it, since I'd lost interest at an early stage.

The main character has his own blog so that you can follow the sights on his journey of spiritual/supernatural enlightenment, and the subsequent awakening of his powers with which to combat evil as he treks around New York.

Glad that I've finished that one now. I can get back to reading some of the easy-reading children's books that I got for my Birthday in May, but were interrupted by the much inferior, but over-hyped, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

No more reading on the bus next week.
The Volkswagen Dealer called me at 18:00 today to tell me that the car has been repaired! (Looks like the 3-week possible wait was a worse case scenario).

The part arrived from Germany this morning, and they've fitted and tested it today.
I'll have to trek over to Bootle (using my all-week bus ticket) and pick up the car tomorrow morning.


Anonymous said...

Where is the VW dealer in Bootle?

darkdwarf said...

Liverpool Volkswagen
38 Derby Road,
L20 1AB

Here's a map

Gaz said...

Ow yer,it's a new place init,it usedto be Tom Englands in Thorton .

impwork said...

So are you missing having time to read on the bus now your back in the car?

And is it just me or are the Word Verification strings getting longer om blogger?

darkdwarf said...

I certainly am. Bit tricky reading and steering the car at the same time. ;-)

Word Verification Strings - Just you I think. My last one was 6 characters.