Thursday, 31 October 2013

By appointment to BBC!

Halloween - Pumpkin Lanterns., originally uploaded by Dark Dwarf.

My photo was used by the BBC Religion and Ethics website

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Samwise - Doctor Who BAFTA

Samwise - Doctor Who BAFTA, originally uploaded by Dark Dwarf.

Samwise holding a BAFTA award at the Little School of Horrors. (This Cymru BAFTA 2005 was for Best Make-up - Doctor Who).

Thursday, 3 October 2013

FB Rant

OK, all you clever clogses. Say this in 110 characters (there's a photo to go with it). Sometimes something spooky happens, that is such a bizarre and unlikely coincidence, that it's hard to believe that it doesn't mean something... This weekend, I received an early mockup of the cover for the Norwegian edition of Hannah. It features, as you can see, a house somewhere in Provence. And then, tonight, whilst driving home (via a tortured route due to many unforeseen circumstances and GPS errors) I drove past.... the exact same house (photo below). Spooky, huh? But what does it mean??