Monday 10 September 2007

Lady Boys

Went for a works night out on Friday.

This was a management instigated / team building / social event, rather than just a spontaneous night out.

As ever with these events there was a theme. This time it was a Treasure Hunt/Pub Quiz.

Starting in the first pub, each team received a packet of envelopes. Each envelope had the name of the next pub on it in anagram form, followed by a set of questions on things that could be observed inside the pub, and some general knowledge questions too.

Although it wasn't a race (wasn't it?), my team managed to get round the pubs pretty quickly, which were:

The Exchange Bar (Old Hall Street).
Thomas Rigby's.
The Beaconsfield Bar.
T.P. Molloys.
Temples Bar (Temple St).

We did OK on the observation questions, but not so well on the General knowledge. I think that we came last, but after a drink in each pub, a good buffet, a melon cooler, more beer and then two shots (zambuka and green after shock) - who cared?

Just before we left the last place a couple of Lady Boys / Drag Artists appeared in the bar. (I think that they were doing a promotion for the place - it's not far from Garlands), and started doing a show by crawling along the bar, and generally mincing about.

One of the chaps we were with decided that it would be a good laugh to pose for his picture with them. I'll see if I can get hold of a copy sometime.

We nipped back to T.P. Molloys for another beer, and a last shot of some sort of liquer in a tube then it was time for a taxi home. Since most of the drinks had been free, courtesy of our bosses, I hadn't spent much at all.

Not a bad night out at all.

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