Wednesday 26 September 2007

Crack the Clues

I've just entered the Intel Crack the Clues Competition.

I started doing this a couple of days ago - I can't remember how I came across the website, but the competition is relatively new. It opened on 17 September, and will close on 15 October.

The first teaser clue to entice you into the competition was easy, but things then got a lot harder.

It didn't help that there were some bugs on the competition website, (A stage of the clue to number II flashed up when you incorrectly answered number I). This was rectified after about half a day or so.

The clues are tough to crack, and a bit of IT knowledge helps. I managed to crack two of them myself - although I completely disagree with the competition answer for one of them (so I only got one right). All of the answers have now been posted on the web - it still takes a bit of work to find them, and helps if you've got some of the previous clue stages.

Beats me why people who've gone to all of the effort to figure out the answers, then go and post them on t'internet?

Very generous, but it greatly reduces their chances of winning a prize. I suppose it's because most of them got stuck part way through, and were willing to reveal what they already knew for a further hint.

If I'd worked out the last answer for myself then personally I would keep it to myself. Oh well, it's going to be a lottery. Looking forward to my holiday in San Francisco, a new laptop or a new i-pod :-)

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